Building the Agile Plannner

I've quit work as a freelance software developer to work on Agile Planner full time. I'm using agile and Lean Startup techniques to build it, and will be writing openly about how I'm getting on.

If you're interested in what I've learnt while working on my own tech business, these are the posts for you...

  1. Print sign-up codes on your startup business cards

    I was about to go to a conference but I'd run out of business cards. I get my cards printed at Moo, who let you print several different designs in a print run of 100 cards. I decided to print a unique invite code on every card, and in this article I'll show you how to do it.

  2. Refactoring with Hexagonal Rails

    I recently watched the Hexagonal Rails talk that Matt Wynne gave at GORUCO 2012. In the video, Matt points out that Rails makes you very productive at the start of a project, but that they often become harder to work with as they mature. Perhaps we can find inspiration for a solution in Alistair Cockburn's hexagonal architecture?

  3. How I chose my first MVP

    Using a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) to guide the development of your business is a key aspect of running a Lean Startup. Having decided to learn Lean while building Agile Planner, I was keen to use MVPs to move my application forward. Identifying your first MVP isn't as easy as it sounds; this post explains how I identified where I should start.

  4. How long is your startup runway?

    Something to consider when deciding how to launch your startup is whether you're going to work on it in your spare time, or save enough money to cover your living expenses and work on it full time. If you choose the second option you'll want to work out how long your money is likely to last you -- entrepreneurs often refer to this period as your "startup runway".

  5. And so it begins...

    Well hello there, and welcome to the Agile Planner blog. Agile Planner is the project management app that I've always wanted somebody else to build. Given that it doesn't seem as though it's going to happen any time soon, I'll be doing it myself. I thought it would be worth starting this blog by explaining a bit about what it's all for...